The new Batman movie is OUTTA SIGHT! Brandon and I went to see 'Dark Knight' Friday night and we cannot stop talking about it. I don't know if any of you are big movie buffs but I am. Ordinarily, I'm not an action movie lover but I did see the Batman movie just before this one, called 'Batman Begins' and loved it, so now I'm hooked for as many of these newer Batmans(?)/Batmen(?)/whatever, that they plan to make. Brandon loves (obsesses) over every new action type movie that comes out but he is a real fan of super hero/comic book movies. We made a date months ago to go see this one on opening night. Now, for any of you who are interested in this and may have seen it or at least checked the reviews on the internet, you'll know it is not for small children. Brandon and I took a 5-year old with us. I mentioned in a previous post that Brandon is staying at Maman'nem's house, dog-sitting while they are in New York. Well, my nephew (Zachary) who adores Brandon wanted to go stay with him for a couple of days. When his mom called me and asked me if I thought it would be ok, I told her yes, and also mentioned we were going to see Dark Knight during his stay. We all thought it would be fine and I bought advanced tickets for the three of us. This movie has been anticipated by the whole family for quite a few months now. Well, as I started reading the reviews I knew this was no 'Batman and Robin' from TV Land! What was I to do? He already knew about it, so I couldn't tell him he couldn't go, and of course he said he would not be scared, and he was staying with Brandon and we had a date to go. One of my friends at work (a guy) really teased me saying, "oh that is just great; he'll be a serial killer in a few years!" Of course I was also afraid I'd be embarrassed when we walked into the theater with a small child to see this dark, murderous movie - uugghh! I kidded back to my friend that was teasing me earlier that Mama Mia had a showing at the same time so I could just send the kid in to see Mama Mia and he, being a he, said, "well, I don't know which would scare him more!" Anyhoo, movie time came and Brandon let Zachary wear his Batman hat, and we got lots of candy so he'd be happy during this scary movie. Brandon and I played "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to see who would take Zachary out for bathroom breaks should the need arise, and I lost. Zachary was excited and looking forward to the movie and looked so cute in the Batman baseball cap that was too big. He had a giant Coke, and 2 boxes of candy to enjoy during the movie. By the time they showed the usual 2 jillion commercials, all the previews, and the opening credits to the movie, Zachary was yawning. He made it through the first 20 minutes and 8 murders before he fell slap out asleep! He slept all the way through the rest of the movie and never moved - not even a bathroom break. I felt kind of bad that he missed it because he wanted to see it, but I was really glad because it was much too violent for him.
The movie was great, and Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker was remarkable and definitely Oscar worthy. If you, like me were very saddened by Heath Ledgers death recently, you will be glad to know that you can't even imagine him as you watch this. It is absolutely unbelievable! Brandon and I had a great time watching and will probably see it again in the theater.
Tomorrow night, I'm off to see Mama Mia! Can't wait!
I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I wish i could say something, but I never saw the first one, and haven't seen the second one. My family plans to see Mama Mia! I was in a chorus and our theme was Mama Mia one year. it was AWESOME!!! Did you hear that it got more tickets sold than Hairspray? I heard that, but then I might be crazy. So, yeah. Have a great day. :)
Mom and I went to see Mama Mia this weekend and it was excellent! I'll be posting about it as soon as I get caught up with the last four movies that we've gone to see. ;)
I will say this though.....you're a good one for standing in that line for Batman tickets. It was CRAZY long!! Which, of course, made US have to wait in line for our little tickets...but at least they were prepared. They had the entire staff working and we were moving right along.
Shannon and the boys liked Batman....Daniel loves the Joker; he thought Heath Ledger was awesome!
As soon as I am over all of this bed rest (with good hair), I am running to see Mamma Mia! It looks so good.
I also loved Batman Begins. (I love all movies that Morgan Freeman is in.) :)
I'm glad you and Brandon had fun, and I'm glad that you did not traumatize a little boy....the world has enough crazies.;)
Shannon and the boys liked Batman....Daniel loves the Joker; he thought Heath Ledger was awesome!
As soon as I am over all of this bed rest (with good hair), I am running to see Mamma Mia! It looks so good.
I also loved Batman Begins. (I love all movies that Morgan Freeman is in.) :)
I'm glad you and Brandon had fun, and I'm glad that you did not traumatize a little boy....the world has enough crazies.;)
Sorry about commenting twice...it must be all of the medicine I am taking while on bed rest (with good hair).;)
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