I thought I'd do a little more bragging on Brandon today. He'll be 17 on July 31, and a senior this coming school year. He's a great kid and I'm proud to call him mine. I've attached some more of his artwork for you to see. He absolutely loves Star Wars but surprisingly, I only have one Star Wars picture in this group. I have this framed at work. Here we have Yoda, Chewbacca, and Emperor Palpatine with some Tie Fighters flying around in the background, and also the Death Star just behind Yoda.

I am also including this photo of Brandon and his light saber. He is quite good with the saber and can fight just like Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Needless to say, I feel very safe in my home and have no need to own a firearm.

This is Kim Possible. He drew her for a little girl's 5th birthday present. Her aunt works with me and paid Brandon $20.00 for this and she framed it for the little girl's room, which is decorated in Kim Possible. The child loved this.
We are Family Guy fans at my house. This is Brian and Stewie Griffin from the show.

Brandon went through a caricature stage and drew a few of those. Here we have the Joker from Batman.

This is Samuel L. Jackson from Snakes on a Plane. We are also big SLJ fans.

This is none other than Superman.
And . . . . last but not least we have yours truly and our dog, Shotzie. I believe I have shared this one before but I thought it was worth a second look. It is my favorite of the caricatures :-)

He owes me another caricature of my friend, Judy and her dog Roswell. He keeps forgetting about that but I will be sure to share it when he finally finishes it. I will also show other pieces of art from my wonderful artist son as they become available. See you tomorrow.

These are all excellent drawings - he is very, very talented! My girls (Courtney and Chloe) are also good artists and have taken lots of art - I love seeing a kid that can draw and create these masterpieces!!
Have a good evening - Kellan
Awesome artwork! He is definitely talented! I love to draw myself....you know in my spare time when I am not cooking, cleaning, homeschooling, and laying around the house with a back injury.;)
I am so glad that he is skilled in the use of a light saber....with times the way they are, you can just never have to much protection.:)
My boys are also very into Family Guy...they especially love the one when the dad has to have his prostate checked.....That episode was hysterical.:)
I love the caricature that he did of you and Shotzie, what a treasure!
When I was in the tenth grade, a guy in my art class did one of me......and at the time, I had a ginormous mole on my face......Needless to say not long after that piece of artwork was completed......I had that thing removed.:)
You have a very talented and handsome baby!
God Bless,
P.S. I forgot, we are big SLJ fans too.....And we also love Morgan Freeman! He is our favorite!
Wow Denise!! He's very talented!! If I get a picture done, I would like it to be a caricature too - anything to make my body look smaller than it is...tee-hee!!
That kid has skills!! Is he leaning toward doing something in that field? He def. should!
He is really good! I hope he pursues his talent!
Denise, that boy is TALENTED!!!! you should be so proud! Amy is a really good artist too - she drew pictures of the top characters of Titanic and they are awesome! She also has pictures on her wall that she drew of Shannon and the boys. I'm very proud of her!!
Tell Brandon to keep up the great work!!
Sandra :)
Wow. I'm impressed with the artwork. He's good. Tell him to do a Dustin Starr picture!
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