She had been abandoned near a hospital and was picked up by the woman I got her from. The woman (Kathy) said she just felt so sorry for her and could not leave here there. Kathy was unable to keep the kitten though, because her daughter is very allergic to cats. The daughter is not home right now but will be coming home in a couple of weeks. Kathy took her to the vet on June 26th and they estimated her age to be 5 to 7 weeks. She was wormed and given the first round of kitty shots. Kathy was just hoping to find her a good home before her daughter returned. When I sent my email out about wanting a kitten, a friend of mine here at work said she had just talked to her friend, Kathy on Saturday and was told about the kitten. I called, and was able to go over and pick her up last night. She came with food, litter box, litter, and a toy. The family was very sad and would have loved to keep her but they just couldn't. It was definitely a win/win situation. This little girl is a brown tabby with white. I'm hoping for short hair, but she's pretty fuzzy; looks like she may eventually have medium or long hair.
Shotzie really likes her but is a little too rambunctious just yet. I told Shotzie that she has to spread her love thinner and not try to shower the baby all at once ;-) When Shotzie runs up to the kitten, she bows up like a Halloween cat, and hisses - it is so funny to see this little bitty cat hissing. She is very small and you can barely hear the hiss. She tried to slap Shotzie's face once but Shotzie was too quick for her.
I have not named the baby yet, as I am a total freak about naming pets and have the hardest time because I think I have to have the most perfect name there is. I usually pick a name and then change it 5 or 6 times within the first month. It really doesn't matter anyway since it's a cat - they don't come when you call them or even act like they know their name anyway most of the time ;-) I have looked at list after list of female cat names but still can't decide. I thought I might wait a few days and let her personality choose her name for me. However, If you have any name suggestions, please feel free to lay 'em on me. I would love to hear your ideas. As of today, I like Gidget, Shasta, Lottie, ZuZu, Catrice, Paisley, Chelsea, and Saturn. Thanks in advance for your help!
Awww!! SO precious! Absolutely adorable! The last picture is totally priceless! I have that same thing about naming things. I was once in this stage where I named EVERYTHING I owned. Literally. My watch, pencil, thumbs, etc. When I was little, my mom told me I had named my feet needle and thread. lol. I really liked Lottie, though. But, do you want a human name(Jenny) or a cat name(cuddles)? I like for human: Paige, Marie, Lola, Lila, Alice, and Melanie. For Cat/animal names: Doodle, Snicker, Flossie, and many more. I also like Sadie and Roxy. I hope this helps a bit!
Oh Denise she is SO PRECIOUS!!! You know I am the "cat lady" and I whole heartily approve! : )
I meant to comment on your other post but got distracted by life around here...so this may be long.
Anyway, as far as kitty smell I am totally immune to it. LOL! But here is what we do and it does cut down on the prob.
We use a long Rubbermaid storage bin and leave the lid on. We cut a kitty door on the side and leave the flap hanging down (they love that)Keeping the lid on seems to cut down on the smell. Just remove to scoop. AND we keep the box in the laundry room which is in the most out of the way location in the house.
I scoop at least twice a day. I just do it automatically because we have four cats. I use Tidy Cat for mulitples.
I'm sure we are use to the pet aroma and don't think about it. If anyone comes over I really don't know what they smell or don't. But you know my "babies" give me such pleasure and joy that I really don't care!! : )
The pics are so cute...and as far as names...well...I am partial to
Edie (EE-DEE)Makenna,Sage.
I once had a kitty named Free because she didn't cost a dime!
What a sweet little face!!! How about Addie or Cali??
Girl! that little baby is darling! Makes me want one, but like you, I don't like the smell and there's not a whole lot you can do about it!
We had our "T-Tat" for 14 years and had to have him put to sleep and I just can't go through that again!
Love that little baby! :)
She's a cutie!! Not good with names...
Yay! I still love the kitten! I just absolutely love looking at the kitten with her pretty coat and all that adorableness!!!!!!! Thanks for the comment on Hump Day! Yay!
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